Tanzania Youth SRHR Academy Project

A project thet aims to educate and raise awareness among young people about issues related to gender and reproductive health rights as well as human rights.
The objectives of this project are to increase the skills and knowledge of youth advocates for reproductive and sexual rights, to address the barriers or challenges young people face in accessing information on sexual reproductive health and sexuall reproductive friendly health services for young people’s ability to deal with misinformation and misconception about reproductoive and sexual health in adolescents.

The project also aims to strengthen young people’s ability to reflect on the barriers and systemic challenges they face when they need informa-tion and appropriate reproductive health services and to develop strate-gies in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. The project has also strengthened and enhanced the capacity of young advocates to develop advocacy coordination programs and campaign measures on reproduc-tive and sexual health. Finally, this project has empowered young people on gender issues, reproductive health and its connection to human rights, anti-stigma tactics and misconceptions about adolescent reproductive health.