Supporting Her Education

Supporting Her Education Program through Mvalishe Akasome Campaign; It’s a campaign that focuses on sup-porting Girls in schools with educational materials such as schools uniforms, books, exercise books, pens, shoes, socks, bags, etc.
This is all to support and contribute in promoting access to quality education and ensuring Adolescent Girls and Young Women’s rights to quality education in Tanzania. We have successfully distributed 76 school uniforms to primary school girls living in vulnerable environment in Pwani, Dar es salaam, Dodoma and Iringa Regions in 2020 up to date.

To address child abuse the Binti Salha Foundation with the support of the Freedom Fund collaborated with the Minister of Community Development, Gender Women and Special Groups Hons. Dorothy O. Gwajima to create a book titledd “Najilinda Naomba Mnilinde” which the first copies were launched on 13th October 2023 during the commemoration of the International Girl Child Day at Deep Sea School located at Kigogo {Mbuyuni} in Dar es salaam. The Naji-linda Naomba Mnilinde book is an engaging, illustrated guide designed to educate and empower children to recog-nize, prevent, and report instances of abuse. The sustainabil-ity plan is to distribute this book nationally to ensure that children from various regions and backgrounds.