Phase I: The aim of this project was to strengthen movement for an increase ability of young people, especially girls and young women, to exercise their SRHR and live with dignity.
The project implementation includes SHR camp which resulted to the anti stigma champions who assist the shr advocacy in education institutions, the capacity building meeting with the health care providers, social media campaign, and communica-tion

Phase II: The aim at ensuring friendly, inclusive and non-stig-matized SRHR service among youth for the purpose of increas-ing knowledge on the importance of non discriminatort SRH information and services to youth and advocating acces for Acess to Contraception {A2C}, Access to Comprehensive Sexu-ality Education {A2CSE} and Access to Comprehensive Post Abortion Care {A2CPAC} services and information.

In December 2023 Binti Salha Foundation and Binti Makini Foundation succesfull executed the End Stigma tour, a compre-hensive initiative aimed at raising awareness and fostering a movement against the stigma sorrunding ACSE, contraception and CPAC services to five higher lerarning institution. This impactful campaign specifically targeted to engage 500 students from higher learning institutions namely Institute of Social Work, Water Institution, National Institute of Transport, Muhim-bili University of Health and Allied Sciences and DUCE in meaningful conversations to challenge and dismantle the barries preventing open dialogue on SRH topics. The tour ahieved remarkable success, resulting in creation of over 698 champions of SRH.