Her Potential

Her potential “Uwezo wake” peoject aims at empowering young women and single mothers who dropped out of schools or failed to continue with studies due to different reasons including childhood pregnancy, poverty and early marriages to financially sustain them-selves and support their children and families, through engagement in tailoring services as one of the entrepreneurship activities.
BSF through this project that is now funded by “ Women First Inter-national Fund” in Iringa Region targets to capacitate more than 1,000 young women/ young mothers yearly with tailoring skills and production of reusable sanitary pads to increase their income. We currently have capacitated 200 young women aged 18-25 years regardless of the limited resources available.
For sustainability this project co-exist with Supporting Her Educa-tion Project - “Mvalishe Akasome Campaign” where by young women who are beneficiaries in this project will later on work together to tailior school uniforms, Reusable pads and other school materials for the less fortunate / vulnerable primary school girls.